Clarity Consultants
The CA PPM Technical Specialists for
Support, Consultancy and Training Services
Clarity Consultants specialises in technical training and general consultancy for Clarity PPM from Broadcom. We have experience dating from NIKU 6, and we've carried out installations and upgrades to version 16.1.3 with Jaspersoft and the Data Warehouse.
Our specialist services are provided either in-house or on site, working directly with end-clients or via intermediaries.
Our consultants have a proven delivery track record focusing on:
- Clarity Installation and Upgrades
- Migrating to AWS or SaaS
- Reporting & Training in Jaspersoft (Ad-Hoc and Studio), NSQL, XOG, REST API and GEL
- Interface Development
- Portlet Writing
- Process Creation
- Specialist Bespoke Package Development
Contact Us:
UK:+44 (0) 161 278 2852
Clarity Consultants63, Bloom St.,
Manchester M1 3LR,
United Kingdom